Weekly Activities for 7-Month Baby Mar 29 , 2024

By this month your baby is actually beginning to actively imitate the patterns of language and sounds in words they hear coming from you. In fact, there are recognizable intonations to baby babble that prepare little ones to say their first words. Talking to your baby and engaging them in "conversations" nurtures this critical skill.


Try these entertaining activities with your 7-month-old baby:

Story Boards

Use traditional store-bought felt shapes, which usually come in themed sets (farm animals, numbers, faces) or make your own by cutting them out with scissors. Stick with larger shapes, as you don't want your baby to put small pieces in his mouth.

Sit facing your baby with the felt board propped on your knees so it's clearly visible. Tell your storyillustrating the major points with the felt shapes. Move characters on and off the board if it's appropriate to the tale.


Hide & Peek

Use a large blanket, sheet, or tablecloth and two chairs to make a tent. Hide a doll or stuffed animal in the tent and ask about it: "Where's Teddy?" Lift the cloth to reveal their hidden friend (or help your baby do this) and exclaim, "There's Teddy!"



