Weekly Activities for 1 Month Baby Feb 08 , 2024

   You made it through the first month! By the end of this month or the beginning of next, your baby will most likely hit a major milestone: They'll make their first real smile at you! Smiling is a sign that your baby's ready to start engaging with the world.

   Touching objects with different texture and temperature helps your baby explore their world by discovering how to use their hands. Because your baby hasn't quite discovered their hands yet, they'll rely on you to develop their sense of touch.

   This month can be challenging, with sleep deprivation setting in. Here are a few simple activities you can try with your 1-month-old baby.

1. Tube Talk: When your baby is up on the changing table, use a cardboard tube to make a "telephone" and talk to them.

2. Common Scents: Set up a homemade scent session with containers of various fragrant ingredients like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla; a ripe banana; a slice of orange or lemon, and pass each item under your baby's nose.

3. Flower Power: Take your baby outdoors to a place like a plant nursery, a botanical garden or a florist to nurture her nose sense. Be sure to hold your baby's hands gently to prevent any touch or taste tests on the flowers that may have sharp thorns or contain toxins.

4. Bike Ride: With your baby lying on their back on the floor, couch, or changing table, grasp them gently by each ankle and move their legs slowly in a circle, as if they were riding a bicycle. 



